Sunday, March 14, 2010


It seems to me, that for the two year old boy, food is a means to consuming as much condiments as possible.


Corn-dogs are a means to ketchup

Quesadillas are a means to sour cream.

Crackers are means to hummus.

Carrots are means to veggie dip.

Lets be honest men, do we ever really outgrow this?


  1. I believe Master Chef Ryan S. (I'm not going to attempt to spell her last name) has even said this. "It's all about the sauce."

    And...condiments were originally introduced to cover up poor quality meat. Many of the things you listed, in my world, don't qualify as condiments. Ketchup, mustard - yes. Hummus and veggie dip (i.e. Ranch Dressing) should be a food group all their own.

  2. Emily and I were talking about this the other day, what constitutes a condiment? My answer, if you wouldn't eat it plain, ie with a spoon, than it's a condiment, or meant to be eaten like a condiment.

    So, I agree with you for the most part, though I can't see myself spooning up ranch as a side dish. Humus perhaps. Peanut butter, I've done that. Cool Whip, yep.

    Hot fudge?
