Things are going well! Corban is sleeping great, and starting to smile more often. Today after his "awake time" he started getting fussy so Emily wrapped him up in his blanket and laid him down. When he hit the sheets he gave her a little smile as if to say, "Thank you mommy! I love you!" With out a single fuss he went to sleep. He also woke with a smile and few stretches to get ready for the laborious task of eating. We have heard horror stories of babies who scream through the night - the Lord has given us a grace in the temperament of our far (sometimes I wonder what lies ahead...).
Today was Sanctity of Life Sunday at BBC wherein we reflect on the preciousness of life and the horror of abortion. It was different this year in that we now have a child and went through the process of pregnancy. Pastor John preached out of Psalm 106:32ff. We can never appreciate the sweetness of God's matchless grace until we comprehend the grotesqueness of our own sin. How amazing is His grace that saved this wretch?!
With more smiles coming, hopefully we'll be posting many more pictures of those smiles. Here's a few recent pictures.
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