This is a letter I sent my Students a while back and I thought I would post it during the Christmas Season since many works oriented people try to rack up points during this most gracious of seasons. I hope it blesses you. Merry Christmas!Good morning and good day,
I just had a really sweet time in the word I and I thought that I would share it with you as it may pertain to all of us by virtue of it being the Word of God, but more specifically, by relating to our "good works" this upcoming weekend.
I was in Titus, chapter 3: 1-11
I consider myself extremely blessed for many reasons. One reason at this particular time in my life is that I get to sit under biblical teaching on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at Bethlehem. One of my classes is called Diagramming and Arcing. In this class we are learning how to diagram sentences, and I'm learning all over again how to read the Bible! How exciting!
So last night and even this morning I was believing the lie that I'm saved by my works, not by His grace. That the ultimate deciding factor in my relationship with Christ is how well I love Him and serve Him. I was feeling downcast because I felt like my works as of late haven't been good enough to gain Christ's acceptance. (You can see what a terrible state I've been in-and likely so on the brink of a weekend of joyful service unto the King).
What better life-giving tool is there to dispense of lies than the faithful and true Word of God! Here is how I see the "good works sandwich" from Titus 3. How our "good works" are put in proper perspective.
Paul is speaking to Titus and instructing him how he is to deal with the church in various cities. In verse one he instructs to be submissive, obedient, and
ready for every good work. He goes on with more behaviors to avoid and strive toward and why. He makes clear the state of our souls before the working of our Lord: foolish, lead astray, slaves, hated and hating (not a pretty picture). But then the glorious verse 4: "But when the the goodness and lovingkindness of
God our Savior appeared,
He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but
according to his own mercy, by washing of regeneration and renewal of the
Holy Spirit,
whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life" (Notice the role of the Trinity in our being saved!).
Here we can see that our works don't have anything to do with our being saved, or our standing before God. Every verb in this passage having to do with being saved is being performed by God Almighty. So what's the deal with our good works? Do they not matter? May it never be!
Verse 1 says we're to ready for every good work. In verse 5 we're assured that our good works don't save us. And in verse 8 is what I found particularly interesting this morning, and the reason for the title "Good Works Sandwich." Verse 8 says that Paul wants us to affirm and believe what he has just stated in previous verses "
so that, those who have believed in God may be careful to
devote themselves to good works." Isn't that interesting.
Here's my paraphrase and summary. Paul wants to be ready for good works, so he dispels of our tendency to believe they are what saves us, then tells us how to be ready to do them. Every aspect of God saving us points away from our actions, so that our every action points to Him.
If someone is hungry, feed him. Perhaps give him a sandwich. Nobody would serve a sandwich with out bread. Though the absence of bread doesn't negate then fact that the contents of the sandwich are still good and nourishing, the bread adds something to the contents, even though it doesn't necessarily need it.
If someone is spiritually hungry, give him the Lord, wrapped up in the bread of your good works. How good and desirable is it when a hungering soul see you satisfied by the indication of your joyful works? God doesn't need your good works to make himself desirable or complete, but what an amazing grace to be a part of the work that God is doing.
Serve someone a good works sandwich today! Be encouraged!