Friday, August 24, 2007

fun sentence

Here's a fun sentence I just came up with. See if you can understand it (I believe it's a legitimate sentence).

The cool cool cooler cooler cooled cool coolers coolly to out cool the coolest cool cooler cooler to ever cool cool coolers.


  1. but both the coolers can't be "cooler." Regardless, good job using the English language to its fullest potential.

  2. P.S. "anonymous" = Allison

  3. Well actually Allison, neither is "cooler." One is "cool" the other is the "coolest." It reads like this, "the cool cooler cooler cooled cool coolers." Translation, "the dirty dirt digger dug dusty dirt." The last part which is the "coolest cooler cooler" translation, the "dirtiest dirt digger." I don't know if this is helpful or just more confusing, with way, it's all fun with words.

  4. phil, I keep checking back in hopes that you will have posted a new blog. Alas....

    have you given up? tell Em I say "hi."

  5. Hey MJ,

    I posted again. And I also added a link to another page I created wherein I will be posting things about our baby.


    PS - Emily says Hi.
