Thursday, November 30, 2006

"Pray for those who persecute you"...Why?

Because it's good for you! Today was an especially hard day at work. It wasn't physically strenuous, but relationally strenuous. One of my coworkers is like a wave going back and forth between happy and grumpy. I never know what to expect. Many times I find myself being hurt by his responses, and feel that they are unnecessary, or even unacceptable. I approached him after work today to see if we were "OK" with each other and he blew me off, which made me feel even worse.

As I was driving away I was fighting the notion to hate him. I was crying through my feelings of rage, then the Lord blessed me with a sweet thought. "Why don't you pray for Him? He needs me just as much as you do right now. He, just like you, is laced with the venom of the old man." He was right. He's always right.

So, I prayed for him and a sweet peace washed over my soul. No longer was I overwhelmed with feelings of hurt and anger. They didn't leave me. They still need to be dealt with. But now I was overwhelmed with the Lords goodness for me. It IS a good thing to pray for those who persecute you.

In class the other night we learned that when we think of ourselves as sinners, we see a man in bondage to sin who should be treated with grace and mercy. But when we think of others as sinners, we respond to them with judgment and condemnation. How true it is. Perhaps I need to view my coworker in the proper light, and respond to him properly.

May the Lord continue to give me grace and peace.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great lesson to learn. And the sooner we learn it, the happier people we will be.

    One thing that's benefited me greatly is to view others, not as sinners, but as lost. I'm still a sinner, as they are, but I'm not lost anymore. I'm often very moved when in restaurants or clubs and see people who are so desperatly trying to fit in and be liked and approved of by all the other lost people around them. No one is exempt from this and we all have to fight it. But my initial reaction is saddness and then anger that Christ is not glorified here. Not anger at any one person, just anger that my Beloved is not known and not cherished.

    O, that I would cherish Him more and that it would seep into all areas of my life and destroy the rot of sin.
