Sunday, April 25, 2010

summit of Carlton Peak

When you come into Schroeder there's a holiday gas station on your left, and Bluefin Bay resort on the right. After you go down and back up the hill, there's county road that heads inland off Hwy 61. Follow that road about a mile and you find the trail-head marked with the SHT sign. The hike is a little over a mile to the summit, but well worth it.


  1. That's awesome buddy! I've been up there a number of times. It's a great hike. Our fam would go up to Bluefin Bay every Memorial Day weekend 1996-2001 and do a 3 mile hike up to the summit and down along the Temperance River. What a great place! Love it. We went on a hike on the coastal range near SF yesterday, it was gorgeous. Have a great week!

  2. I love the pictures of almost-home!

    And of course I'll be stopping by your neck of the woods. That almost goes without saying!! I miss you and enjoy getting your blog updates! Tell your family hello for me :)
